by ACI Toys
Available Now at Legends Toys & Hobbies $190.00
Highlights I. Armors and Clothing
1. Roman Imperial Gallic Style Helmet
2. Roman Style Armour- Lorica segmentata (each segment is individual piece)
3. Tunics & Pants/Braccae & Focale (Scarf) & Headband
4. Cloak
5. Legionary waist belt with apron
6. Roman Leather Baldric
7. Sandals (Marching Boots)
II. Weapons
1. Gladius (Sword) and Scabbard
2. Pugio (dagger) and Scabbard
3. Javelin
4. Scutum (Shield)
** Body: Medium Built Bodies - Christian Ver. 4. (unpaint, over 30 points of articulation, 4 pairs of hands, strengthened joint for static stability)
** Hand painted Headsculpt